Rules and regulations for the event

RIF 2024


This document is part of the registration process for the RIF 2024 event. Therefore, it is necessary and mandatory to acknowledge the following articles and approve them by sending a registration application. This is the formal document for the event and it reminds its organizer and participants of their obligations.

Article 0.1 - Organizing structure

This event is organized by the AEDI, 1901 law association, located in the INSA de Lyon IT Department - Building 501 / Ada Lovelace - 20 Avenue Albert Einstein - 69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, registered in the SIREN directory with the following identifier 450 214 721, represented by Mr. Florian LE VASSEUR as president. The governing body (presidency, treasury and general secretary) is reachable at the following e-mail address: mail .

Article 0.2 - Organizing team

The team in charge of the organization is represented by Mr. Saad ELGHISSASSI, Ms. Eléonore DUGAST, Ms. Noémie VARJABEDIAN and Ms. Anta GUEYE. This is the preferred team to answer any questions related to the RIF 2024 event. They are reachable at the following e-mail address: mail or on the website dedicated to the event: language .

Article 0.3 - Measures taken for the event

The AEDI is commiting to complete the organization of the RIF 2024 event successfully. To achieve that, it will mobilize all the resources necessary for the realization of the mission from beginning to end.

Article 1 - Date, location and duration of the event

The planned date for the RIF 2024 event was fixed by the AEDI on Thursday November 14th, 2024. Opening hours will be between 9AM and 5PM (french time) for the indicated date. The event will take place within the IT Department of the INSA de Lyon: Building 502/Ada Lovelace - 20 Avenue Albert Einstein, Campus LyonTech de la Doua.

Article 2 - Control and Acceptance of the Memberships

The applications for the event are received and examined by the AEDI. Since the number of places is limited, the AEDI has the right to refuse any registration and will notify the confirmation or the invalidation of the registration at least two months before the beginning of the RIF (so before September 30th, 2024) to the structure in question.

Article 3 - Payment

The participation's total will be indicated on the estimate realized by the AEDI for the participating company. It will be due as from the receipt of the invoice sent by the AEDI following upon the agreement of both parts. The modalities and terms of payment will be reminded on the invoice.

Article 4 - Services included and not included in the payment

The following expenses are committed by the AEDI: meals (within the limits of three people included for the participating company) and the additional expenses of typing, reprography, etc., necessary for the execution of the service are included in the invoice.
From the fourth person present for the meal, every person will be charged 30€ in addition to the participating company's expenses statement.
The following expenses committed by the participating company: travels and accommodations are not included in the assured services and are charged to the participating company.

Article 5.0 - Withdrawal of the participating company

In case of withdrawal in any cause (cause not evoked in the article 5.1), the sums due to the AEDI, as compensation, even if the place would have been reallocated, are summarized below and will be reminded on the estimate and the invoice supplied to the participating company:
- If the AEDI is informed about the withdrawal more than 7 working days before November 14th, 2024 (not included) : complete cancellation of the sums due to the AEDI
- If the AEDI is informed about the withdrawal less than 7 working days before November 14th, 2024 (not included) : 50 % of the amount must be paid to the AEDI.

Article 5.1 - Force Majeure

The present article defines the exceptional cases from the article 5.0 and is used if one of the following clauses is met:
Cases of force majeure will be considered in case of declared or undeclared war events, general working strikes, epidemic diseases, quarantine, fire, exceptional floods, accidents or other events independent from the will of both parts. None of the two will be held responsible for the cancellation noticed because of the case of force majeure.
In case of force majeure noticed by one of the parts, this one has to inform the other part about it as soon as possible in writing (by email or letter). The other part will have ten working days to notice it.

Article 6 - Collaboration

The participating company will hold at the disposal of the AEDI all the information which can contribute to its participation and to the organization of the RIF 2024 event. Therefore, the participating company indicates a privileged interlocutor, to insure the dialogue in the diverse stages of the contracted mission.
A registration form will be transmitted as soon as possible to the participating company containing practical information to complete for the organization of the event as the number of persons present for the meal, the number of high and low voltage sockets, the material brought by the participating company or any other information considered useful by the AEDI for the organization of the event. The data processing described above is described in articles 8 and 9 of the present regulation.

Article 7 - Responsibility of the organizing structure

The responsibility of the AEDI is not committed as far as the damage which would endure the participating company is not caused by a wilful or heavy misconduct of the AEDI through its members.

Article 8 - Confidentiality and Data protection by the AEDI

The AEDI will consider as strictly confidential, and refrains to reveal, any information, document, data or concept, knowledge of which it can have on the occasion of the present registration. For the application of the present article, the AEDI answers of its members as itself. The AEDI, however, could not be held responsible for any disclosure if the revealed elements were in the public domain in the date of the disclosure, or if it already had knowledge of it before in the date of registration of the participating company, or if it obtained them from third party by justifiable means.

The responsible party for the data processing of registration is the AEDI, the person in charge of the data processing is the governing body of the association where its address and phone number are reminded in the article 0. The data collected within the framework of the participating company's registration will only be of use to the registration and to the communication between the parties in an organizational purpose. These data will only be used by the AEDI members who organize of the event. These data will be kept in a secured way 365 days after the date of the event and then erased of the of the AEDI's registers. The concerned parties can ask the AEDI for the deletion of their data by electronic way or mail way. The legal authorization of the data processing by the AEDI is acquired by consent of the participating company in the present regulation. Any dispute can be the object of a complaint with the CNIL (National Commission for Information technologies and civil Liberties).

Article 9 - Confidentiality and Data Protection by the participating company

To protect its members, the AEDI imposes on the participating company to adopt regulations in force, in particular the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) concerning the data processing personal concerning its members who will be in touch with the participating company. Any dispute can be the object of a complaint with the CNIL.

Article 10 - Participant's image rights

The participating company commits to respecting the rights of the participants (in particular image rights) when it uses a visual and/or sound recording during the event (pictures, videos, …).

Article 11 - Prohibited items

The access to the event is not authorized for every person carrying:
- Weapons and ammunitions of any category, canisters of teargas, knives and cutting objects
- Explosive, flammable or volatile substances
- Alcoholic drinks or illicit substances

Article 12 - Security, thefts and deterioration of personal effects

Although the AEDI puts numerous security measures and resources during the event, it is recommended to the participants to watch their personal belongings. The association disclaims all liability in case of theft, deterioration or loss of the participant's personal effects. Each participant alone, can lodge a complaint with the competent infrastructures. The security measures taken will in particular be the control of the entry points accesses to the building, watches in the building during the complete duration of the event by the organizing team, as well as locking the premises during the meals. The AEDI reserves the right to refuse the access of a participant who cannot prove his link with the RIF 2024 event.

Article 13 - Lost and found

Any object found must be returned to the organizing team, which will put it in the closed premises of the association before its transmission to the lost and found central service of the Police headquarters if this object is not claimed by its owner or if the owner was not able to be identified.

Article 14 - Complaints and suggestions

The suggestions or complaints concerning the event can be made by leaving a message to the organizing team, or by writing to the AEDI. A register of grievances will also be put at the disposal of the participants.

Article 15 - Sanctions

Any breach of the present regulation exposes the offender with the expulsion of the event and, if necessary, to legal proceedings. Any attempt or realization of theft, destruction, degradation or deterioration of a furniture or real estate object is liable to penalty. The AEDI or the INSA de Lyon can proceed to the expulsion of any person disturbing the order of the event.
